About CWDG LLC. - Learn about our team and business practices.

Over 21 Years of Service

We are proud to be serving clients in over 15 states and 3 countries while also providing programming services for 5 agencies which resell our code.

We continue to evolve while keeping up with the latest web trends in order provide the best products and services to our clients. We have built a strong dedicated team of professionals by taking great pride in our work. If you are not happy with our work, neither are we.

Have A Question!

Do you want to know more about CWDG? We are here to answer any questions you may have.

Contact Us

Our Team Leaders

Douglas Cottrell II

Douglas Cottrell
Analysis & Development

Leslie Brown
Project Management

Dont Take Our Word For It
See what our customers have to say.

Drive Flex Fuel

We like to thank CWDG for their beautiful work on our website. The widgets are one of a kind and have increased our business greatly. Your station locator has brought in more customers than we ever estimated. Your pricing was great compared to our local companies and well worth it. We will be contacting you with any changes we need made in the future and we will be passing your information to our contacts. If you are looking for a company to handle your next project, you have come to the right place.

RetroRide Teardrops

My website was running very bad. If I came up on the 10th page of Google it was a miracle. I had some people look at it with no improvement. I was looking through the web one day, looking for someone to help and ran across CWDG. I gave them a call and Dan told me the same things others told me, ‘Oh I can fix that, just give me a week.’ A few calls back and forth and a week later, I now come up on page 1 or 2 in Google. CWDG was the best thing that ever…

Enriching Our Community

We pride ourselves in giving back to our community.

We have have donated many sites throughout central Wisconsin. We have also created special pricing for approved non-profits and community organizations. Our team is dedicated to helping our community become a better place for everyone.

$32,912 in donations and counting.

Need Help!

Are you or another organization deserving of a new site? Let us know and we consider it for our next donation.

Contact Us Today!

Looking to improve your site?

Are you looking for small changes, complete redesign or perhaps a new feature or plugin? We are here to help no matter the size and scope of the project.

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